The Political Physiology Lab is a unique facility dedicated to exploring the relevance of individual-level biological variations to political orientations and behaviors.  It may be the only full-service physiology lab housed within a Department of Political Science. 

The Lab is a platform for research being conducted by undergraduates, graduates, and faculty.  It is integrated with a series of interdisciplinary labs studying behavioral genetics, neuroimaging (both EEG and fMRI), psychophysiology, molecular genetics, endocrinology, behavioral economics, and cognitive-based techniques such as that possible in an eyetracking environment. 

Research is currently being conducted on biological differences across the political spectrum, such as between those on the political left and those on the political right and between those who are deeply interested in politics and those who are totally apathetic.

The lab is eager to promote expanded use of biological techniques in the study of politics and is leading efforts to broaden the approaches typically employed.  We are happy to answer questions or welcome visitors, whether they are simply curious, interested in short-term training in a particular technique, or considering a long-term stay as an undergraduate, graduate student, postdoc, or faculty member.

This site should answer most of the questions people have about the Political Physiology Lab's facilities, people, and missions.  If not, please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions.  We are excited about the possibilities afforded by this relatively fresh approach to studying politics and would be delighted if you would contact or join us.  The lab is co-directed by John Hibbing and Kevin Smith and they can be reached at or